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Over 25 years experience treating DUI offenders

Alcohol Addiction Counseling in Belleville and Edwardsville, Illinois
DeRousse Counseling & DUI Services is a drug and alcohol outpatient treatment center focusing on DUI offenders. We offer substance abuse and addiction counseling services to complete court-mandated evaluations and DUI classes.
What We Do
DeRousse Counseling & DUI Services offers programs and services for court-mandated and self-help clients, including:
We specialize in DUI services, particularly for clients who are seeking reinstatement of their driver’s license from the Secretary of State.

Our License and Certificates
DeRousse Counseling & DUI Services is licensed through the Illinois Department of Human Services Department of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. Our founder, Mr. DeRousse, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. He is a Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor.
2019 Illinois DUI Deaths
2019 Illinois DUI Arrests
2018 Nationwide DUI Deaths
2018 Economic Cost
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are currently offering
group sessions online via videoconference.